12 February, 2009

Friday: High Five

High Fives on the Escalator - Watch more Funny Videos

This sent my heart all a flutter. Some of my coworkers may be aware of my attempt to bring high fives back to the office. Well, the guys from Improv Everywhere took it to a whole new level, and for that I now love them. You may remember Improve Everywhere from Frozen Grand Central. Although, less ambitious, I actually liked this one better, simply for its spirit. It's not exactly advertising, but it is advertising good vibes, which we could all use a little of. This Friday, high five someone for doing a good job or because you like them or because they happen to be standing in your high five radius. I want high fives to echo across the offices of all 6 of our readers (I know, we're up to SIX READERS! E-High Five!).

--Captain Awesome, Copywriter

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