Giving Credit Where Credit Is Due
When we last we met, I was chastising DirecTV for blatantly and shamelessly ripping off someone else's creative. But today I'm here to praise both Chevy and Subaru for putting a new spin on an old idea and creating some brilliant comedy in the process.
We've all seen the typical sexy female spot selling beer, cars, burgers, etc., under the pretense that these products somehow correlate with these women. If you need a refresher, take a look at this spot from or Paris Hilton's Carl's Jr. commercial. But on to better things.
This is a commercial for the Chevy HHR you may remember from 2007 Super Bowl. It took the concept and flipped it, featuring scantily clad men, although I don't think they were going for much of a sexy factor here. It's not the best commercial I've ever seen, but it took the concept in a different direction. So kudos for that.
Now this spot for the 2009 Subaru Forrester I've watched three times already and laughed every time. It takes the concept of the sexy male car wash and goes a step putting those men in diapers and re-enacting all of the slow motion car wash commercial cliches to a hot soundtrack, and knocks it out of the park. Warning: this ad may not be safe for people with sumophobia--the fear of large men in diapers.
--Captain Awesome, Project Specialist

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